On July 16th, 2024, eight climate activists, alongside several members, lawyers, and partnering organizations, including the Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO), addressed a press conference to announce the filing of a lawsuit against the Attorney General...
On May 29th, 2024, dozens of members from Students Against EACOP Uganda held a non-violent demonstration at the Parliament of the Republic of Uganda. They aimed to petition the House Speaker, Anita Annet Among, to prioritize a motion urging the shareholders of EACOP...
Students Against Eacop Movement stands in solidarity with thousands of UK Citizens participating Today in one of the mega protests dubbed the #Bigone organized by Extinction Rebellion together with hundreds of Climate groups that are supporting this cause. The brave...
The EACOP is not just an environmental issue; it is a human rights issue as well. The process of constructing the pipeline has led to gross human rights violations against people living in areas where the pipeline will pass. Communities have been forcefully evicted...
The proposed East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) is a project that has sparked heated debates and opposition in Uganda due to its potential impact on biodiversity. The EACOP will cut across several ecosystems, including forests, wetlands, rivers, and other vital...
Nine people including university students were taken into police custody for staging a protest in support of the resolution by the European Union calling for the suspension of the East African Crude Oil pipeline-EACOP project on the 4th day of October 2022. The...